My Life is a Pile of Washing

author chaos clothes laundry washing pile writing Aug 20, 2024
My Life is a Pile of Washing


If you had a blog-a-vision right now and could see what I see, it is far from picturesque.


Allow me to paint a vivid picture for you, the unfiltered and authentic version (though it may be a bit self-deprecating compared to your perspective as an outsider reading this...)


A writer feverishly types away in a disorderly room, surrounded by clothes piled high and random clutter upon her desk. Tomorrow morning’s coffee already tastes on her lips as she breathes, hoping the keyboard taps punctuate through the mess, helping it fade away towards her favourite place of creativity and solace.


The chaotic scene surrounding this frazzled writer has an added edge tonight, one that buzzes with a frenetic energy. Clothes of all colours, sizes, and styles are strewn haphazardly across the couch in her small office. Earlier that afternoon was no better, with a hectic bedroom rearrangement to make room for the upcoming high school year.  The kids are now crammed together in one room, leaving little space for downtime tonight. An oppressive feeling settles over the room as she sneezes, likely from the dust collecting and wildly doing its own thing.


“Later,” she mutters, interrupting her thoughts for a second, her voice barely rising above the clatter in her mind. It was more a promise to herself than anything else—a fragile reassurance for tomorrow.


Never one for prioritising folding her clothes, the mess is creeping in from the corners right now, almost choking the air from the very room.


‘How on earth did I end up writing a blog about that washing pile? How dare it encroach itself upon these words!’


She takes a deep, shuddering breath and forces herself to refocus on the glowing screen before her. The soft light casts a gentle glow across her face, illuminating the determination etched into her features. She knows that inspiration lies beneath this layer of chaos—if only she can dig deep enough to find it.


With each word she types, she feels both liberated and constricted; the keyboard becomes both an outlet and a reminder of what needs to be done. “Okay,” she whispers in her mind, “let’s turn this mess into something beautiful.” Her fingers hover over the keys for just a moment longer before she resumes typing this very paragraph you’re reading right now.


“Maybe,” she thinks aloud, “just maybe this is what everyone else feels too.” Her voice trembles with vulnerability as she reflects on how many lives have been touched by similar struggles—the juggling act of motherhood and creativity. “What if I write about finding beauty in imperfection? About how washing piles can represent our lives—messy yet vibrant?”


As she scribbles down thoughts, she hears faint footsteps approach behind her. “Mum?” The 9-year-old peeks through the doorway, wide-eyed and curious. “It’s like a bomb has gone off in here!”


A smile breaks across her face despite herself. “Yep!” she replies with playful exasperation, “I’d like to think it’s not messy; it’s… creatively chaotic!”


Her son smirks and then giggles, tilting his head as if weighing the merit of that explanation. “Creative chaos? Is that what we’re calling it now?”


“Absolutely! And you know what? It inspires me to write,” she responds with mock seriousness, gesturing dramatically towards the computer as if unveiling a masterpiece.


“What are you writing about?” Her son questions innocently.


“The washing pile actually.” They share laughter—the kind that echoes in the heart—and for a moment, amidst the clutter and noise of life’s demands, everything feels alright.


So, she takes another deep breath and begins again, weaving stories from chaos, finding clarity amid confusion, all while knowing that sometimes beauty lies not in perfection but in the messiness we resist but embrace.