Planet Habit

Aug 30, 2024
Planet Habit

Habits have a lot to answer for…

The amount of habit hacks across the internet has more sprinkles than a dozen donut shops.

And, most of them are a good foundation.

Unless you're a parent.

Most of them are achievable.

Unless you're a parent.

Take these 5 below for example.

Based on real-life living experience, over 12+ years of parenting so far.

1. Wake up early


I'd love to drag myself out of bed after finally getting that hour to myself last night after the kids FINALLY went to sleep.

Wait, it wasn't an hour right after the kids went to sleep. After they went to bed I was tidying and picked up the hundreds of pieces of Lego that glittered the floor like carpet, put on loads of washing, shuddered because I didn't get a chance to change the sheets....again, finished off a few more blogs and emails, filled out school paperwork and questioned the existence of the entire alien race.


The early bird catches the worm but what about the worm? He was up even earlier and got eaten alive.

Eaten alive by the freezing toes of worming children in my back because they've slept on top of me most of the night.

These mini early birdies are up at sparrow fart, demanding I drag my wake up early body out of bed and make them breakfast. Then demanding at least another three breakfasts before lunchtime to boot.

Sure this has slowly shifted over time as the kids have slowly got older....waking up early is not a likely habit that is guaranteed for all days ending in Y.

2. Read for pleasure and leisure

Ahhhh, those are the good ol' days.

Escaping reality into a fantasy, thriller and cosying under the blanket on a rainy afternoon.

A good day right now is when we don't have to find that green sheep again for the eleventy-millionth time as it's abruptly plonked on my lap and my book thrown on the floor in disgust.

I say this in good humour, while also being alarmed with internet statistics which indicate about one in ten parents read to their child about once a week. Happy to stand out from the crowd on this one. 

Honestly, I know that the daily reading habit will increase for both me and them independently as it has with the older two.

3. Enjoy a hot cup of tea or coffee

I don't know what you're talking about.

Half finished cups of 'where did I put my coffee again?' alongside sighs of frustration as it gets knocked sideways and you wonder if you could lick it up like a dog, just to savour a slight taste for a little longer.

Enjoying it hot, I don't think I remember how.

4. Meditate

Retreat to a quiet spot. The toilet might be this said spot for a few minutes or so until suddenly you have one on your lap, the other pulling the toilet paper off faster than an Olympic athlete in a 100m sprint and the other yelling at you from the other side of the country.

Your breathing might become steady and slow in particular moments during the day, does this pass as meditation?

Generally, though, these particularities are when you're taking deep breaths just as you keep your shite together and not explode and implode in the process.

5. Make your bed


I can create this habit easily enough.

Afterall, I could practice all day after it get's pounced on or blankets taken for their latest cubby creation.

Even the dog isn't on my side, trying to sneak on when there isn't anyone at home.

Make your bed, it will improve your life.

Thank goodness I'm not in the Navy.



At the end of the humph towards habit building, I know with all my heart that my life is improved as a parent.

My children are magnificent, delightful and beautiful creatures and I wouldn't change it for the world.

I'll keep working through these habits and grab the moments as they arise, for now I'll inject some fun and humour along the way.